Pedigree Adult Dry Dog Food (1.2kg Pack) at ₹250.00

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₹550.00 Shop now

Pedigree complete and balanced dog food for adult dogs is a wholesome meal packed with essential nutrients vital to the healthy growth of your pet. Pedigree with the goodness of cereals, chicken, meat, and the nutrients. It made with high quality ingredients, provides the dog with Min Protein 20%, Min Fat 10% & Max Fiber 5% which is provides strong muscles, bones & teeth and healthier & shinier coat.

How much Pedigree to feed?

  1. Dog’s weight (up to 10 kg): 110-170 g/day.
  2. Dog’s weight (10-25 kg): 170-310 g/day.
  3. Dog’s weight (25-50 kg): 340-500 g/day.
  4. Dog’s weight (50-100 kg): 560-990 g/day.

What Not to Feed?

  1. Baby food.
  2. Raw Eggs.
  3. Onion and garlic.
  4. Chocolate.
  5. Fish/Chicken Bones.

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